Faulty phase selection of transmission lines based on intrinsic mode energy entropy and SVM 基于固有模态能量熵和支持向量机的输电线路故障选相新方法
Improving the environment for development is an intrinsic requirement of China's energy development. 改善发展的环境是中国能源发展的本质需要。
The intrinsic mechanism of energy conversion and failure process in the intermittent regional fracture process of rock is discussed. 讨论了岩石间隔性区域断裂过程中能量转化与岩石破坏的内在机制。
From the intrinsic characteristics of energy stepped utilization of a cooling-heating-power cogeneration system, presented were the criteria for evaluating energy stepped utilization rates. 从冷热电联产系统能量梯级利用的本质特征提出了能量梯级利用率的评价准则。
At the same time, we obtained that the energy of twins grain boundary ( without lattice relaxation) equals a half of the single intrinsic stacking fault energy. 同时得出在不考虑晶格松弛的前提下,金属的孪晶晶界能为单个内禀层错能的一半。
Temperature, Intrinsic Energy, Entropy and Law of Thermodynamics 热力学定律与温度、内能、熵
Study on Intrinsic Gas Energy to Do Work in Outburst 对突出做功的瓦斯内能的研究
The paper explains how the law of thermodynamic is the basis of temperature, intrinsic energy and entropy and the catter are the mathematical expressions and inevitable results of the former. 说明热力学定律是温度、内能、熵的依据。而温度、内能、熵是热力学定律的数学表示及必然结果。
The intrinsic stacking fault energy of three Fe-Mn-Si alloys was calculated ac-cording to the thermodynamic model of stacking fault energy. 根据层错能的热力学模型,计算了三种Fe-Mn-Si合金的内禀层错能。
The intrinsic relations between energy dissipation, energy release and failure of rock are discussed. 讨论了岩石破坏与能量耗散、能量释放的内在联系。
The results of the experiments show that aging treatment has no influence on sample's density and remanence, but has great influence on intrinsic coercivity and magnetic energy products. 实验结果表明:时效处理对同一成分合金的密度和剩磁基本没有影响,对矫顽力和磁能积有较大影响;
First, the basic idea of the interacting boson model ( IBM-1) is introduced, including the basic states, Hamiltonian, the reduction of group chains, intrinsic states and potential energy surface, etc. 本论文首先介绍了IBM-1的基本理论,包括基态、哈密顿量、群链的约化、内部相干态以及势能曲面等。
The basic law of natural science is determined by the intrinsic energy of things. 自然科学所遵循的基本规律是事物内在本质决定的。但任何规律也必须是辩证的。
In this paper, the high temperature models and calculation results of silicon materials 'intrinsic carrier concentration m, energy gap Eg, effective mass of electron and hole as well as carrier mobility p are introduced. 介绍了硅材料本征载流子浓度ni、禁带宽度Eg、电子和空穴有效质量和及载流子迁移率μ的高温模型和计算结果。
Numerical Method of the Intrinsic Energy and the Radial Wave Function of a Partical in a Central Force Field 中心力场中粒子能量本征值和径向波函数的数值计算
The intrinsic relations between energy dissipation, energy release, and strength and abrupt structural failure of rocks during failure process are discussed. 讨论了岩石变形破坏过程中能量耗散、能量释放与岩石强度和整体破坏的内在联系。
Treats motion of single panical in weak gravity field by using path integral methods and obtains the Green's function and intrinsic energy spectrum. 本文通过路径积分方法处理了单粒子在弱引力场中的运动,得到了弱引力场下粒子的格林函数及本征能谱。
In this paper we have derived that the intrinsic energy of a uniform light beam after passing through a sharp edge diaphragm is proportional to the total length of the diaphram edge. 本文导出匀幅光束刚通过硬边光阑后,其内禀能量正比于光阑周界的总长度。
Based on the solution to the intrinsic equation of quantum well energy level, In content of the InGaAs quantum well layer was optimized; 在量子阱能级本征值方程的数值求解基础上,优化了InGaAs阱层材料的In组份含量;
Furthermore, the intrinsic mechanism of energy dissipation during the deformation and fracture of rocks can be disclosed by the research of meso damage mechanics. 进一步通过细观损伤力学的研究,可以揭示岩石变形破坏过程中能量耗散的内在机制。
The intrinsic energy and diffraction divergence of a light beam after passing through a sharp edge diaphragm 光束通过硬边光阑的内禀能量和衍射发散度
Determination of Intrinsic Constants of Bubble Energy with Least Square Method ─ Accurate Calculations of Explosive Energy Measured Underwater 用最小二乘法求气泡能的固有常数&兼议水下测试炸药能的精确计算
It is found that the intrinsic curvature induce an energy gap, which result in a novel magnetic response. 研究发现卷曲效应能导致能隙的出现,从而导致不同的磁响应性质。
Meanwhile, the roller bearing fault was studied by the intrinsic mode of energy entropy. 同时,利用固有模态能量熵对滚动轴承的故障进行研究。
The sequence is in accordance with the intrinsic reaction energy barrier of i-butene desorption from these active centers. 该顺序与烯烃中间体从上述活性中心上脱附的内禀反应能垒大小有一致关系。
Introducing the definition of the intrinsic energy entropy of EMD, when the gear box fault occurs, the vibration signal energy will change. 介绍了EMD分解中内禀能量熵的定义,当齿轮箱发生故障时,其振动信号的能量也会发生变化。
In self-Organization, nodes take local information as well as their intrinsic properties such as energy or processing capability into account to decide its local communication structure with its neighbors. 在自组织中,节点把本地信息和诸如能量或者处理能力这些本身特性考虑在内来决定和它邻居节点的本地通信结构。
We also analysed pulse signal with HHT method combined with sample entropy. In the results, we calculated the sample entropy of the first intrinsic mode function and the energy distribution. 在HHT与样本熵联合的分析方法中,从能量和固有模态函数的样本熵两个角度对脉象信号进行分析,并对分析结果进行统计分析,得出具有显著性差异的参数。
The intrinsic mode energy ratio, the intrinsic mode energy entropy and the frequency band energy based on Hilbert spectrum during the whole flashover process are analyzed. 在Hilbert谱基础上,分析了泄漏电流固有模态能量比、固有模态能量熵和基于Hilbert谱频段能量比在污闪全过程中的变化情况。